To DEsign and implement a roll-out strategy
We support our clients in the design and roll-out of key elements of their transformation, of their project: vision of the company, change project, cultural reference point, leadership or management model, sector reference point…
What we do
- We participate in the formation of the project and check that all the behaviour which renders it real is at work in all entities of the company or network
- We assess the issues and the feasibility of the roll-out in all entities in order to develop the most appropriate roadmap
- We use the roll-out as an accelerator of change, by quickly involving the greatest number of individuals and entities (ratchet effect) and ensuring the consistency of the project throughout the roll-out.
How we do it
- We immediately interweave the project and its roll-out strategy.
- We make every collaborator a player in the roll-out and give managers the main role in the implementation and dissemination of the project (training of trainers, role-play, autonomous circles…)
- We assess the issues of the roll-out for each entity and the ability of its managers to get the job done, through the use of our EBSEM® (Business Issues, Knowledge and Desire of Managers) model. We suggest to our clients a roll-out roadmap which maximises the schedules, energy and resources dedicated to each entity.
- We call upon our expertise and that of our partners for rapid roll-out without waste
- We rely on KeaPrime’s tools and knowledge for the assessment and deployment of skills.
Some examples of involvement:
- As part of a deteriorating social climate and following a cultural diagnosis of the organisation, we set managers in motion to simplify ways of functioning and to increase empowerment.
- In a mechanistic organisation which consists largely of regulatory processes, work on the development of managerial practices in order to increase autonomy.
- Creation of a ‘Good Deeds’ reference document, design and training of teams according to this reference guide.